The coronavirus has left a lot of people feeling uncertain and anxious here are a few tips to help during lock down. 

Be social 

Be social? How? We are on lock down! But we aren’t socially isolating we are physically isolating. Keep in contact via video call, phone call or even a good old fashioned letter. There are also many online live quizzes, church services, book clubs and keep fit videos to get involved in. 

Quality time 

Have you ever sat and wished you could have more quality time with your husband/wife, children but work commitments always got in the way. Now is the perfect opportunity to play board games, have a picnic in the garden, have a movie night or bake together. 

Have a break from the news

The 24 hour news can be anxiety provoking. Stick to you local news and limited yourself to one update a day. That should be enough to keep informed without being overwhelmed.

Stick to reliable sources and try to avoid Facebook rumours and conspiracy theories. If you have trouble detaching, ask a trusted friend to filter what’s out there and give you only the updates you need. 

Change your mindset 

Practice gratitude. Start a bullet journal of what you are grateful for. Studies show that writing down what your grateful for everything day significantly helps with having a positive mental attitude. Examples of gratitude might be; having a roof over your head, a nice meal, nice weather. 

Take advantage of the slower pace and free time. Try a new hobby. Learn a new language, bake, sew or read. Do something that gives you a sense of purpose or accomplishment. Take on what you’ve been putting off, like spring cleaning, finances, or paperwork. de-cluttering is very satisfying. A clean and organised house is good for the mind. 

Get help.

If you're having anxiety, talk to a professional counselor. They may offer phone or online sessions. You can also join an online support group.

If you had anxiety before the coronavirus outbreak and your feelings of fear and panic are getting worse, it’s important that you reach out to your doctor or therapist.

If you feel your mentally health is so severe you can no longer cope please talk to a professional. I offer phone or online sessions. I can also sign post you to other services. If you had anxiety before the coronavirus outbreak and your feelings of fear and panic are getting worse, it’s important that you reach out to your doctor or therapist.

Please check out my online-therapy Facebook page for more information and also ASK (anxiety support and knowledge) my friendly community of like minded people.